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How to prevent radiation damage by argon arc welding?

Date: 03/07/2024

Sources and hazards of radiation

  Thorium tungsten electrodes used in argon arc welding and plasma arc welding contain 1-1.2% thorium oxide, a radioactive substance that is affected by radiation during welding and contact with thorium tungsten rods.

  Radiation acts on the human body in two forms: one is external irradiation, and the other is internal irradiation which occurs when it enters the body through the respiratory and digestive systems. From a large number of investigations and measurements of masked argon arc welding and plasma arc welding, it has been proved that their radioactive harm is small, because the consumption of thorium tungsten rods is only 100-200 mg per day, and the radiation dose is extremely small, which has little impact on the human body.

  But there are two things to be aware of:

  First, when welding in the container, the ventilation is not smooth, and the radioactive particles in the smoke may exceed the health standard;

  Second, the concentration of radioactive aerosols and radioactive dust in the grinding of thorium tungsten rods and the locations where thorium tungsten rods are present can meet or even exceed health standards.


Radioactive substances into the body can cause chronic radiation disease, mainly in the general functional state weakened, you can see obvious weakness, resistance to infectious diseases significantly reduced, weight loss and other symptoms.

             Measures to prevent radiation damage

(1) Thorium tungsten rod should have special storage equipment, a large number of storage should be hidden in the iron box, and installed exhaust pipe.

(2) When welding with a closed cover, the cover body should not be opened during the operation, and the air supply protective helmet or other effective measures must be worn during manual operation.

    (3) Special grinding wheels should be provided to grind thorium tungsten rods, dust removal equipment should be installed in the grinder, and the grinding chips on the ground of the grinder should be often wet swept and intensively buried.

(4) Wear a dust mask when grinding thorium tungsten rod. Wash hands with running water and soap after contact with thorium tungsten rod, and wash clothes and gloves frequently.

 (5) Select reasonable specifications when welding and cutting to avoid excessive burning of thorium tungsten rod.


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